
Exception: TestOfAdditionalHeaders -> testAdditionalHeaderAddedToRequest -> Unexpected PHP error [Only variables should be passed by reference] severity [8] in [/var/www/html/dobra_stary_portal/lib/simpletest/test/user_agent_test.php line 43]
Exception: TestOfBrowserCookies -> testCookieJarIsSentToRequest -> Unexpected PHP error [Only variables should be passed by reference] severity [8] in [/var/www/html/dobra_stary_portal/lib/simpletest/test/user_agent_test.php line 65]
Exception: TestOfBrowserCookies -> testNoCookieJarIsSentToRequestWhenCookiesAreDisabled -> Unexpected PHP error [Only variables should be passed by reference] severity [8] in [/var/www/html/dobra_stary_portal/lib/simpletest/test/user_agent_test.php line 65]
Exception: TestOfAuthorisation -> testAuthenticateHeaderAdded -> Unexpected PHP error [Only variables should be passed by reference] severity [8] in [/var/www/html/dobra_stary_portal/lib/simpletest/test/user_agent_test.php line 332]
6/6 test cases complete: 30 passes, 0 fails and 4 exceptions.